

I just changed our name from KESKIVIIKKOKORIS to TIISTAIKORIS, since we nowadays play on Tuesdays (not on Wednesdays).

At the same the the web address changed to https://tiistaikoris.nimenhuuto.com


Will talk to Jussi M - you'll get your money.
h. Ripa



According my calculations I haven't received yet the payment about the temporary basketball shift in Viikki from the following players:

Ari, 14,5 €
Jussi M, 14,5 €
Jose C, 9,7 €

I guess Ripa knows Jussi best and may ask if he is willing to pay. He was kind of extra player anyway and if we don't get the payment from him, we can solve the situation some other way.

Others, please pay your share with the following info:

Janne Yrjönen
FI645721 1520065975
Text: Viikki Basketball




Noniin, pari päivää tässä taas työelämässä. Jäi nyt loppuvuoden pelit välistä, kun tuollainen 50 cm ja 3,7 kg kaveri muutti kotiin. Neuvolassa väittivät, että kasvaisi pari senttiä isukkia pidemmäksi, mutta jää varmaan silti pelinrakentajaksi, jos palloa innostuu pomputtelemaan :) Tavoite kyllä päästä tammikuussa taas peleihin! Hyvää joulua kaikille ja iso kiitos pelien järkkäämisestä!


Juu kaikki hyvin! :) Kiitos paljon!


Hello Jumpers,
Despite some difficulties we somehow managed to re-establish the basket, thanks to Janne who with a very determined way managed to find us a new place. For the first time ( Covid time not counted) we did not have a season closing event. However, we look forward to oganizeing somethong next year.

Do not forget your own well- being and make some time on Tuesdays to participate regularly in the trainings in Maunula 17-18 hrs.
Season' s greetings to all and see you next year!


Hello now the 8. Player needed. I did not get him.